Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Carolyn has set a new price structure for the aromatherapy class coming up this month. The course dates have changed as well. See below for details.

WHEN: March 29
TIME: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
COST: 400 QR Course Fee
400 QR Kit Fee
WHERE: Eman Amnah's house.

So the total cost of the course (including kit) will be 800 QR, due before course begins. Lunch will be provided. Spread the word and let Caroly know if you are interested in attending, as there are only 10 spaces available.

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Some Questions Answered

I recently found this blog on the Amazon page for Branwen and Frans' book, The Japenese Art of Reiki. I thought the questions were relevant to some that we've been asking. http://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Art-Reiki-Practical-Self-Healing/dp/1905047029/ref=pd_sim_b_title_2 Click on the link to follow it to Amazon and read all 8 blogs posted. Enjoy!

Q: Do distant attunements work?
It is a very relevant question in light of the fact we are all so enamoured of the Internet and that is the culture that distant attunements have sprung out of.
It is phenomenal the list of Reiki Branches with curious new Age names that have sprung up on the Internet advertising distant attunements. So, is it worth putting your money into these courses? Will you get anything out of them?
First, does the concept of distant attunement work? Well, it seems to us that if Reiki practitioners believe that distant healing works then… why not. Energy is everything and working with energy does not necessarily require the physical body to be present.
But… Yes, there are definitely some buts!
Does receiving an attunement mean that you have studied the system of Reiki? Of course not. The attunement process is just one of the five elements of the system of Reiki that you are required to experience. The others are learning about hands-on healing, symbols and mantras (in levels II and III), the precepts, and meditations/techniques. Find an indepth analysis of these elements in our book: The Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-Healing
Without these elements then it cannot be said that you have studied anything. An attunement alone is not the system of Reiki.
What does an attunement do anyway? Does it give you a Reiki level? Does it make you a ‘healer’? We don’t believe either of the above. An attunement is a support offered by a teacher to a student to help the student move his or her energy. It is the student that, as always, must do the work to progress from one energetic level to another and a teacher can support that. The attunement gives the student a glimpse of where his or her energy can move to. An experienced teacher offers the student energetic insight into where he or she can move a practice. Traditionally in Japan, the reiju (the forerunner to the attunement) is often translated as a ‘spiritual blessing’. The reiju is also performed regularly by the teacher and is not relegated to making someone a level of anything. It is merely a teacher supporting the student’s progress.
Everyone is born a healer. We have been healing since the day we were born (and who knows prior to that)! The system of Reiki gives you guidelines and a practice to develop your energetic and personal development skills – but don’t let the system negate the fact that each of us is/was and always will be able to heal ourselves and others.
Is the teacher able to perform the attunement? Attunement is not an empty ritual – it is something that one works toward being able to perform. It is not a magic process whereupon you can suddenly wave your hands and instead of producing a bunch of flowers you ‘attune’ someone. None of this. A teacher needs to be committed to working on oneself and developing one’s energetic prowess. It is this prowess that the student glimpses and becomes encouraged to move in the same energetic direction as the teacher.
We have an article on reiju and its meaning on this webpage.
Finally, how do you know that the person on the other end of the attunement, the Reiki teacher that you have just paid, has actually performed an attunement? Do you know this person? Can you trust them or have you just filled in an online form and received a time to ‘receive’ an attunement? This is risky business!

Q. Should a teacher keep secrets from students?
A. We don't see the system of Reiki as being about "secrets". This question was started by the discussion as to whether students should have their eyes open during an attunement and if they did would they see the process and copy it.Imagine you teach the trapeze instead of Reiki ... you teach a beginner to hold onto the rope etc... and relevant safety features ... at the same time the beginner watches you do some amazing somersaults. The beginner aims to be able to do that one day. However, the beginner knows that if he or she practices that now, then he/she will fall. Thus the beginner realises there are certain steps that need to be progressed through to get that point. In the case of attunements, we are not saying that we show students how to do them, we just don't work along the lines of "secret". The trapeze artist doesn't show the beginner the nitty gritty of how to do it, but rather the results of his or her practice. The beginner wouldn't even want to know as he or she realises, by being in the space of the teacher, that it is something that you work up to. The "secret" is the practice! This is what Reiki teachers need to bring across to their students through their own hard work on themselves. A student should sense that the teacher has worked on him or herself. They shouldn't need to be told. When you are in the space of a true Master - you know it. This is not saying that Reiki teachers are Masters mind you (good topic for next blog :-)). But we can certainly work toward that aim.

Q: Why do teachers tell their students to keep their eyes closed during the attunement/reiju?
It seems that some teachers are afraid that their students might see the actual attunement/reiju ritual that they are performing. In fact, some teachers go so far as to remove other students from the room where they are performing the attunement/reiju.
An action undertaken from this standpoint can foster a sense of secrecy resulting in unhealthy power issues concerning the teacher/student roles.
It is also a misunderstanding of what the actual attunement/reiju is and how it works.
It is not the physical ritual which creates the attunement/reiju; it is the energetic connection and space that a teacher develops which allows the attunement/reiju to take place.
For most of us this energetic practice cannot be seen in the physical sense. Therefore it doesn't matter if students have their eyes opened or closed. Anyone can learn the physical attunement/reiju in half an hour but copying physical moves does not mean that an attunement/reiju is performed!
To be able to perform a correct attunement/reiju the teacher has to work for many years on her/himself with the five elements of the system of Reiki (precepts, meditation, symbols-mantras, hands on healing, attunement-reiju). Only after this will the teacher be able to enter a specific energetic space to perform these rituals. There is more about this in The Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-Healing
Through this energetic practice a teacher also gains intellectual insight as to what an attunement/reiju is and how it works. The coupling of intellectual and energetic understanding creates the perfect attunement/reiju.
We should also not forget that Usui Mikao did not use a physical ritual to perform the reiju, so there was never anything to see or hide.
PS: Some teachers claim that in meditation you need to have your eyes closed but in most spiritual practices it is advised to have you eyes slightly open to counter one from falling asleep.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Thursday, March 16 at 6:00 pm we will be meeting at Amna Al-Mushiri's house to see Mohammed Taqi. So, have a list of questions ready for him and be prepared to get re-energized! Can't WAIT!! See you all there.

21 Day Self-Healing Graduation Ceremony

Our graduation celebration to mark the completion of our 21 days of self-healing was a wonderful evening. The lighting of the candles was symbolic and healing for all of us. We got to thank God for bringing Reiki into our lives and for allowing us to be healing instruments. After the ceremony, we shared a wonderful meal and then did our goody bag exchange. We all got some wonderful stuff! We tried some wonderful new teas and got a chance to relax and share some of our Reiki experiences. GREAT JOB, REIKI GIRLS! Let's hope the men's Reiki group has as wonderful a bonding experience as we did!