Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reiki Burning Bowl Ceremony

This is an awesome article about a cleansing ritual that involves reiki energy and clearing intention. It sounds like a wonderful activity for a future Reiki gathering! What do you all think?

Some other project ideas from same site include:

Reiki Blessing Ceremony:

Reiki Tote Bag Project:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dream Big

Dream Big
Author unknown

If there were ever a time to dare,
To make a difference
To embark on something worth doing
It is now.

Not for any grand cause, necessarily –
But for something that tugs at your hear
Something that is worth your aspiration
Something that is your dream.

You owe it to yourself
To make your days count.
Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch.

Dream big.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Reiki 21 days of self-healing graduation celebration!

For those of us who registered in Taqi’s January Reiki course, this month marks the end of our 21 days of self-healing, and the beginning or our lives as practitioners of Reiki. I know I’m EXCITED!!! How about you? We want to mark this special event with a special celebration/ceremony. So, on February 28th at 6:00 pm we will gather at Amna’s house for the not-to-be-missed party! Please fill in the poll at the top of the page to clarify your participation in the event. We hope to see you all there!

Aromatherapy Course

In March, Carolyn Cardigan is offering us a special opportunity! She is teaching an Aromatherapy course. Anyone interested should contact Carolyn immediately. A deposit of 500 QR is required to reserve your spot. There are only 10 places available so don’t delay! It promises to be a wonderful addition to our ever-growing base of skills. Contact Carolyn Cardigan directly at 668-5936 or email us at

WHEN: March 15 & 22
TIME: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
COST: Course I - 400 QR
Course II - 400 QR
Oils Kit - 400 QR
WHERE: Amna Al-Mishiri’s house in Airport area near Shoprite. Call Carolyn for directions.

A Five Minute Guided Meditation

You can say goodbye to the hostilities and grudges of the past that fester inside you, and keep you from surrendering to all that is life-affirming and new. You can embrace lightness and freedom. You can begin again. And what better time to start than now? Begin by dimming the lights or lighting a candle. Sit in a favorite spot or get cozy in your chair, and take a few deep breaths. Let us begin. Just click on the link below. It’s from a site called which has some amazing and inspiring stuff! Explore the site while you’re there!

What is Prana Therapy?

Amna Al Mushiri sent in this fascinating article from It was too good not to share. Enjoy and thanks, Amna!

"You ought not to heal the body without the soul for this is the great error of our day in treating the human body" Plato was one of the greatest philosophers in history. He lived almost 2500 years ago and knew at that time already that there was something more to healing then just treating the physical body. As we look beyond the physical body we may be surprised to find another body – the energy body. In truth there are even many more "bodies" beyond that, but that would be beyond the scope of this article. Our human body is composed of the visible physical body, and the invisible energy body called the bioplasmic body, human energy field or aura. This invisible luminous energy body interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it. The aura is visible to clairvoyants as a glowing area resembling a coloured cloud around someone and had been made visible in Kirlian photography.Prana is a Sanscrit world meaning vital energy or life force. Prana permeates everything in the universe. It is called Chi in Chinese, Ki in Japanese and Ruah or breath of life in Hebrew. Prana Therapy is an energy healing technique based on the overall structure of the human body. Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or life energy to heal dis-ease, which are nothing else but energy imbalances. The healing process involves the manipulation of the patient's chakras, or energy centers, prana and aura. Other names for it are: medical quigong, psychic healing, therapeutic touch, laying of hand, magnetic healing and faith healing. The energy body or aura is a field of energy that contains the physical as well as etheric, emotional, mental and causal (soul) bodies. The etheric body consists of the pathways of energy (nadis), which converge at different spots in the energy body to form the energy centers or chakras. These centers (chakras) act like traffic lights and govern the flow of energy and the health of the physical organs associated with them. The advanced pranic healer can see, feel and work with the seven main energy centers as well as the numerous minor and mini centers that exist throughout the body. The seven main energy centers, beginning at the base of the spine up to the crown of the head, also correspond to gradually increasing levels of greater consciousness and the highest centers in the head to increasing spiritual awareness. Our thoughts and feelings are forms of energy reflected in the energy centers and the energy field. Each of the main centers has specific emotional and psychological issues associated with them. Unhealthy thought patterns and blocked emotions create imbalances in the energy bodies and can manifest as a wide range of ailments. The aura is the human energy body and reflects the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state in it in form of colours Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "spinning wheel of energy". These energy centers receive and transmit energy and each is situated at a major endocrine gland, and nerve bundle called plexus. In this way, each chakra is connected and associated with a different part of the body.
There are seven major charkas:The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the adrenal glands. It's closest to the earth and grounds us to the physical world. It controls your physical vitality, "flight or fight" response and physical survival instincts. Its colour is red. The Sex Chakra is located just below the navel and associated with the gonads. It represents our sexuality, creativity, self esteem and pleasures. Its colour is orange. The Solar Plexus Chakra is just above the navel, in the center of the solar plexus. Its associated endocrine gland is the pancreas. It is where the "gut feeling" comes from; emotions are processed and pass through. It gives us a sense of personal power in the world. Its colour is yellow. The Heart Chakra is in the heart. The associated endocrine gland is the thymus. It is the center for unconditional love, tolerance, empathy, forgiveness, and compassion. By some considered the seat of the soul. Its colour is green. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat, near the thyroid gland, which is the associated endocrine gland. It is the chakra of communication, creativity and higher will. Its colour is blue. The Brow Chakra is located in the center of the forehead, and is also known as "the third eye". Its associated endocrine gland is the pituitary. This chakra governs spiritual direction and wisdom. It is the seat of dreams and inner vision, with the capacity of looking to the past, present and future. Its colour is indigo. The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head. Its associated endocrine gland is the pineal gland. It balances the inner and outer person, and is the connection of the higher self. It is the channel through which we receive divine guidance, purpose and wisdom. Its colour is violet. In Panic healing, prana serves as a catalyst to accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions involved in the natural process of healing, when panic energy is applied to the affected part of the body, the rate of recovery or healing increases tremendously. For acute illnesses there can often be very rapid and dramatic positive results in the physical body. But there can also be a slight lag time before the healing manifests, which depends on the complexity and severity of the health problem. This lag time is often seen in chronic, long-term problems. In those situations, it is recommended that the person receives a one-hour Prana therapy session on a weekly basis, until the initial problem or symptoms are relieved. For complete healing, the session may then be continued every other week.

Blessing of Water

When we were in Reiki class, I remember someone telling us a story about blessing water and how the structure of the molecules changed when it was blessed... thus doing Reiki over our food is a wonderful practice. Was it Taqi that told us? Look at the video link on the right from showing that very principle. It also appears in the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know" if anyone is interested.

Reiki Changes Lives

We have all witnessed the power of Reiki and God’s healing energy; each in our own unique way. Most of us felt something special happening during our attunements, and then while learning to scan and heal, we had differing, but none-the-less amazing experiences. Now that we have a chance to look around us, it seems that God’s love is everywhere, and the possibilities for using our new found gifts are endless. The photo below is one that touched my heart… not just for what the image is, but what it represents. A new soul, with a chance at a fresh and balanced beginning. How wonderful a gift to give a new life… God’s love, healing energy,
and prayers of harmony.
If I could start my life over again, would I do things differently? Would Reiki save me from some of my worst mistakes? Maybe not… but it’s comforting to think that we are raising a generation that is turning to God, natural medicine, and to spiritual balance
in the search for happiness. I am thankful for the opportunity to help others and to heal myself… but most of all, I am grateful for the chance to connect with God and to feel his love, working through me. What an amazing and awe inspiring experience!